Voting Results & Consolidated Scrutinizers Report of 36th AGM held on 30.09.2024
Summary of Proceedings of 36th AGM held on 30.09.2024
Intimation of Book Closure & E-voting for 36th AGM
Intimation of 36th Annual General Meeting
Intimation - Appointment of Cost Auditor for financial year 2024-25
Intimation to Shareholders holding shares in Physical Form
Intimation of Appointment of Secretarial Auditor for FY 2023-24
Voting Results & Consolidated Scrutinizers Report of 35th AGM held on 26.09.2023
Summary of Proceedings of 35th AGM held on 26.09.2023
Intimation - Release of Lock-in from 14052 Equity Shares
Intimation of Book Closure & E-voting for 35th AGM
Intimation of 35th Annual General Meeting
Intimation of Re-constitution of Composition of Committees
Clarification on late submission of Outcome of Board Meeting
Intimation to Shareholders holding shares in Physical Form
Intimation of Assignment & Re-affirmation of Credit Ratings
Revised Outcome of BM 14.02.2023
Intimation of Cessation of Directors
Intimation of Appointment & Re-appointment of Directors
Intimation of Appointment of Statutory Auditors
Voting Results & Consolidated Scrutinizers Report of 34th AGM held on 30.09.2022.pdf
Summary of Proceedings of 34th AGM held on 30.09.2022
Draft Letter of Appointment of Independent Directors
Intimation of Appointment of Statutory Auditors
Intimation of Re-appointment of Managing Director & Whole Time Director
Intimation of Appointment of Non-Executive Directors w.e.f. 13.08.2022
Intimation of Re-affirmation of Credit Ratings
Intimation for Resignation of Mr. Suresh Chandra Gupta
Intimation of Appointment of Saurabh Data as Non-Executive Director
Intimation of Appointment of Mrs. Pallavi Sharma as Independent Women Director
Voting Results & Consolidated Scrutinizers Report of 33rd AGM held on 30.09.2021
Proceedings of 33rd AGM held on 30.09.2021
Draft Letter of Appointment of Independent Director
Intimation of Appointment of Mr. Saurabh Data
Intimation for Resignation of Mrs. Gayatri Data
Intimation of Appointment of Mrs. Pallavi Sharma
Intimation for Re-affirmation of Credit Ratings
Intimation of Appointment of Mr. Suresh Chandra Gupta as Independent Director
Voting Results & Consolidated Scrutinizers Report of 32nd AGM held on 30.11.2020
Proceedings of 32nd AGM held on 30.11.2020
Intimation for Vacation of Office and Appoint of Suresh Chandra Gupta
Intimation to BSE - Extension of AGM 03.09.2020
Intimation of Appointment of Mr. Suresh Chandra Gupta
Intimation w.r.t. Impact of COVID-19
Annual Secretarial Compliance Report 2019-20
Intimation of Resignation of Mr. Ramesh Chand Gupta
Intimation of Order passed by SEBI
Intimation of Re-appointment of Whole Time Directors
Consolidated Voting Results of 31st AGM held on 30.09.2019
Consolidated Scrutinizers Report on voting at 31st AGM held on 30.09.2019
Proceedings of 31st AGM held on 30.09.2019
Annual Secretarial Compliance Report 2018-19
Intimation for Re-affirmation of Credit Ratings
Proceedings of 30th AGM held on 29.09.2018
Consolidated Voting Results of 30th AGM held on 29.09.2018
Consolidated Scrutinizers Report on voting at 30th AGM held on 29.09.2018
Intimation of Book Closure & E-voting for AGM dt. 29.09.2018
Procedure for Dematerialisation of Physical Shares
Consolidated Scrutinizer Report along with Voting Results of 29th AGM dated 29.09.2017
Intimation of Appointment of Statutory Auditors
Proceedings of 29th AGM held on 29.09.2017
Newspaper Advertisement for intimation of 29th AGM, Book Closure & E-voting
Intimation of Book Closure & E-voting for AGM
Draft Letter of Appointment of Independent Directors
Notice of Candidature for Re-appointment of Independent Directors
Cancellation of BM 14.08.2017
Notice of Board Meeting dated 14-11-16
Proceedings of 28th AGM 30.09.2016
Voting Results of 28th AGM along with scrutinizer report
Notice of Board Meeting dated 31-08-16
Notice of Board Meeting Dated 30-05-16
Notice of Board Meeting dated 13.02.2016
Notice of AGM and advertisement
Declaration of Results of E-voting and Poll
Draft Letter of appointment of Independent Director
Notices of candidatures for appointment of Directors
Declaration of results of 27th AGM of Vijay Solvex Ltd alongwith combined Scrutinizer's Report
Declaration of results of Postal Ballot along with Scrutinizer Report